Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The PCB will continue to tread cautiously while dealing with dope-tainted fast bowler Mohammad Asif.

The Pakistan Cricket Board are under immense pressure to take strict action for his Dubai misdemeanour..

Pakistan's politicians have demanded the fast bowler be punished - with some requesting a life ban - after Asif was detained for 19 days by United Arab Emirates customs officials in Dubai following the discovery of 0.24 grams of a suspect substance in his wallet..

Asif had admitted to using the substance, which a laboratory test revealed was opium, although he said he believed it was herbal remedy given to him by an traditional Islamic healer..

No charges were lodged against Asif, but documents released by the Emirati said the 26-year-old was deported because of the several factors, chiefly because of the small quantity of the drug and for the sake of avoiding pressures on courts and prisons..

The PCB, which has so far not been inclined to take action against the fast bowler, has now received a fresh query from the International Cricket Council regarding the case...

"The ICC have sent us a copy of the report of the probe conducted by the authorities in Dubai along with a query regarding the status of the case," Saleem Altaf, the PCB's chief operating officer told the News..

"However, we are dealing with a player's career and we cannot rush to conclusions..

"We have spoken to our lawyers and the PCB will carry out an investigation into the matter. We are in the process of formulating a course of action based on legal advice.."

During a meeting with PCB chairman Ijaz Butt, the Senate's sports committee had taken a stern view of the case..

"Our youngsters will be encouraged to take drugs if Asif is not banned for life," senator Enver Baig, a committee member, said during the meeting..

But Altaf insists several factors must be taken into consideration before taking such an extreme step..

"According to my information, opium is not regarded as a banned substance under the World Anti-Doping Agency code," he added..

"I think the WADA code is irrelevant to this case. But we also have to take into consideration the fact that Asif is already under suspension and the amount of money he has lost.."

Asif tested positive for nandrolone during the Indian Premier League competition last year and has been banned since July last year..

He is scheduled to appear before the IPL drugs panel for a hearing on January 24 in Mumbai.

Meanwhile, Asif plans to travel to New Delhi this week to sort out financial issues with his IPL team the Delhi Daredevils..

"Some of my dues were not paid by the Delhi Daredevils and I am going to see them about it," he said..

"This has nothing to do with the IPL hearing. I will return to Pakistan and travel to Mumbai for the hearing later next week.."

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